Prestigious EUSFLAT Award 2023 for Prof. Rudolf Kruse

04.10.2023 -  

Very pleased to announce that Prof. Rudolf Kruse has received the prestigious Scientific Excellence Award 2023 of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology (EUSFLAT).

EUSFLAT has bestowed its 2023 Scientific Excellence Award upon Rudolf Kruse "for his outstanding contributions to the theory and implementations of analyses of uncertainty and imprecision in processes and systems".

The nomination committee consisted of all previous awardees and EUSFLAT presidents. Kruse is only the ninth researcher to receive this Lifetime Achievement Award. The award ceremony took place in Palma de Mallorca on September 7, 2023.



Letzte Änderung: 26.05.2024 - Ansprechpartner: Webmaster